Another Day

By BlackTulip

The Brimstone and the Bramble

JJ went up to the golf club as Liam had a lesson, which left me free to wander.  For once it was a lovely, warm, blue sky morning, so I ventured around the field margins.

Hardly any insects around but I did find one or two minute creatures lurking the the grasses, including a newly-emerged damselfly, but this Brimstone had to be it for today.  Apart from this one I did see a couple of courting Little Heaths and a few whites.

I bumped into a man walking his big, gentle labrador and as we chatted about the weather he said he was up visiting his son from Cornwall.  We had lots to talk about, including our recent visit and then I discovered his son and wife had just had a little boy, and as they live on our patch I knew who it was, although I didn't know they had been expecting.  I'll need to get a card tomorrow.

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