A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Starburst Sunday

These lovely Astrantia we’re just coming into flower before we left, lots of cluster of flowers open now
The problem for photography is that they are in the raised middle bed of the back garden so a bit high for me to get a shot looking down. This one is on one of the lower stems. 

Beautifully warm and sunny today. First time at church for a month and we were both doing readings so needed to be there.

Since getting back I’ve filled a garden bag with spent Forget me Nots. I’d missed a couple and spotted a bee on them so felt rather guilty but they needed doing. 
Pleased to read in the RHS magazine that hybrid bluebells are not a threat to native bluebells as once thought and they are not a banned plant so that’s a relief, we can continue enjoying both.

Lots more to do in the garden so we need to hope for this rather nice June weather to continue 

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