
By ciorstain

Tangled in Galashiels

Another early morning!! Another beautiful day!

Driving to Galashiels to meet Natasha, her friend Jean as well as Les and Barbara at the Yarn Festival.

I only arrived around Noon.

I bought gorgeous yarn at The Woolchemist again and at Rippeled.

The first 2 hours strolling with Natasha and Jean, then meeting Les and Barbara and then the last 2 hours on my own.
That is when I really got to look at yarns and buy what I needed for the 2 projects I had in mind.

The weather was amazing. Galashiels looked beautiful
I want to come back and do all the charity shops too.

Left at 5:30 pm.
Was home after 7 pm.
Had a coffee and decompressed before Neil and I went to UV.

First time event and it was lovely.
Met so many people we had not seen since way before Covid.

Were home after midnight and sat a few more hours in the kitchen together.
Tomorrow I need to sleep!!

Blipping a random shot from Galashiels ... I donÄt even know what kind of shop that is ......

Guess what - I don't care ... hahaha

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