
By JennyOwen

Improbably good

Some years ago I gave Richard 'The Nordic Baking Book' (by Magnus Nilsson).  R has spent a lot of time doing research in Scandinavia, and we both love the wide range of Scandinavian breads, cakes, biscuits etc.
However, it's a great big brick of a book, and looks a bit overwhelming. It's sat on the shelf for some time, unused apart from an occasional browse.
Today, though, I wanted to make crispbreads to go with mackerel pate, and this was definitely the book to use.
I went for a 'mixed seed crispbread' recipe. The instructions couldn't have been simpler: a mix of seeds and some cornflour are soaked briefly in boiling water and a little vegetable oil, and then the resulting batter is poured into a baking tray and baked in a slow over for 90 minutes. No fiddly kneading, rolling or cutting.
I was a bit sceptical. The batter looked watery and I thought we might end up with a tray of baked crumbs to share with the two friends who were coming to dinner.
I couldn't have been more wrong. The tray-sized, giant crispbread broke into large pieces without shattering, and the texture was firm but not tooth-challenging. Think crispbread with a hint of savoury sesame bar. 

For anyone who's tempted by that idea, here's the recipe:
70g each of sesame seeds and linseeds
75g each of pumpkin and sunflower seeds
60g cornflour
5g salt
50ml vegetable oil
200ml boiling water.

Mix the dry ingredients and then add the oil and water. Leave for 10 mins. Pour into a baking tray lined with a baking sheet. Bake at 150C for 90 mins.
Leave to cool thoroughly on a rack and enjoy when cold.

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