
By Greenstead

Last day of the book festival

I made it to the final event of the book festival. We had Jenny Kleeman talking to us about her book, The Price of Life. These are the sort of decisions that are being made for us all the time. The best known/most publicised is NICE. These are the people who make decisions about what medicine is available to us at the doctors, and what isn’t. For example, how would you allocate a budget if you had to pick between something that is needed only once and it cures a baby for their whole life but it costs £1 million a dose, or flu vaccinations for the whole country that saves a large number of older people. Not a decision I would want to make. These weren’t the examples she used, but you get the idea. An interesting book, she said she has tried to balance it between doom and hope, and as I can get it in audio I’m planning to listen to it.

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