View From The Study

By StudyView

A Herbert

Young Arthur was one today. May have had a little help blowing out the candle on his very tasty cake.

Floss and I went along; seemed rude not to, and my new resolution is to get out more. Hope would have come but went to see her friend Josie. House very quiet without them.

Andy Murray seemed to do better when I didn't watch so I washed the car and then refuelled it as I have to be out in it tomorrow. More appreciative comments from the nice guys working on the Volvo at the garage opposite when I went to put it away. Asian petrolheads, who I think are relatives of Tanya in Hope's class. Nod from the guy in the manse too with the very nice collection; he was working on his MGB GT - haven't seen the Aston out this summer.

Rounded off the evening with Les Revenants, which gets weirder all the time. Had to play some Mogwai afterwards; not sure it would work as well without their soundtrack (and We're No Here).

Back to work tomorrow, so off for an early night (ish)

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