Yamkela iKapa

By lindseydw

Emma and Raid

Cockroaches are the most horrible creatures. I usually pride myself on my love of all things nature. Cockroaches, however, really take the cake for throwing me over the absolute edge every time. Screaming, jumping and running out of the room, shuddering. Like a real wimp.

I will spare you the details, but today I was the lucky discoverer of a full-fledged infestation in the staff room. Afterwards, Jane Keen came into the building to find me standing white-faced at the end of the hall muttering to myself about cockroaches and the devil or something like this.

So then I knew I couldn't step foot in the staff room again (wimp, I know, but you had to be there...) so in comes Emma to save the day with her trench coat, Raid and staunch fearlessness in the face of these awful creatures. And so pictured is Emma saving the day with her can of Raid. Saved my day, for sure.

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