Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

22 years ago

A quiet day to recover from all the activity yesterday (!)   I did spend some time (too much) trying to find a photo of the doors from the kids old house (yesterday’s blip) which just led to the frustration of photos everywhere every which  way and how hard it is to find old ones.  (did you know there are companies out here to help you consolidate photos from everywhere…it’s daunting tho.)   Anyway, so far no luck but I did find Nik’s  first painted room when they moved in 22 years ago, on a dvd.    Since the only other photo I took today was in the garage of the condo safely meeting, this will have to do.   Not a great photo.   I think there were more versions before his present AD Reinhardt abstract copy.   Anne had a white horse named Pendy and Eric was a pro golfer….referenced on the wall.   Extra of curious George., and Swedish  horses flying over the moon.   (We did have fun  Can you see lowly worm?).    H went over to help with a new lock but it was a failure. 

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