I Witness

By KangaZu

Silly Saturday ...

... just out cruisin' the street.

Man! Did we have a fun filled silly day!  

The silliness started with us going to Adult Soap Box Derby races held in Nazareth, PA ... just north of us.   It was sponsored by NASBRA ... Nazareth Adult Soapbox Racing Association.  And it was FUN ... with a capital FUN!

There were so many silly soap box cars but this one was by far my favorite.  Unfortunately, he did not go on to win as it wasn't really built for speed.  I may add a collage (as an extra) of some of the other cars on tomorrow's blip when I have more time to create one.  It's really hard to convey the speed at which he was going in a photo so you'll have to take my word for it when I say he was moving at quite a clip. The blurred background should give you an idea.  Better viewed full screen.

We stayed at this event for a little while simply enjoying all the different and creative soapbox cars before heading up to Plainfield Rail trail for a quick walk.  After that we stopped at Sam's Club for a few things before coming home.  

Thanks to davidc for hosting Silly Saturday this month in memory of our beloved Admirer.  And guess who will be hosting for July?  Yes ... me!  I will put something on the challenges page toward the end of June as a reminder.  And will let your know the tags at that point.  

Note added June 2:  I've added into Extras a collage of some of the other soapbox cars.  And here's a link to a video of the gurney soapbox car that Richard shot ... be sure to listen to the sound effects!

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