Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Blue sky thinking?

Actually my thought processes today were thoroughly confounded by the blue sky today - a real "taps aff" day in Glasgow parlance despite the wind that would suddenly remind us we weren't in the Med. I did a whole chunk of Italian in bed before breakfast, just in case I didn't feel like it later, and didn't do much before coffee time other than digging out my proper rucksack - I have three small or improper ones! - and sorting out stuff- sacks and the necessities for a day out, which were scattered among the other receptacles. Can you tell I have A Day Out planned?

A quick read at today's Scotsman revealed a good number of diatribes against the threat to the Edinburgh Book Festival by infantile and badly-informed climate activists who do their cause no good at all in the real world. (In my experience as an activist, one of the valuable lessons I learned was of how to judge an action to attract sympathy rather than irritation). Then I popped down the road into town to pick up some vitamins from the chemist and spotted a small demo outside the Burgh Hall, where three people were standing quietly with large Palestinian flags. I had a quick word with them on my way over the road - I've not coincided with one of their vigils before. The outing took much longer than anticipated because of stopping on the way home to chat to a friend and former colleague about what we're doing together on Tuesday - next week is full of little, diverse plans!

I did some gardening, madly, at the hottest time of the day, cutting back the rosa rugosa which line the back garden path; I've already pruned them in March, but must've done it so well that it encouraged them to sprawl in our way when we try to use the path. They're too jaggy for that... And then we went for another shore road walk, surrounded by the fantastic blues of sea and sky, once again feeling glad to have the chance to enjoy them.

The day ended with the stately progress of the new cruise ship Queen Anne down the firth from its berth at Greenock. It dwarfed the wee ferry as they passed each other , and seemed to sit over the town as she reached the limit of the view from my bedroom window. We're seeing far more of them these days; at least this one's hull is ship-shaped, with a proper prow. Our September cruise will be in a much smaller vessel, but I thought this one made for a dramatic photo.

It's now almost midnight and the sky isn't properly dark. Chilly out there, though ...

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