Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Worth the jelly legs

Smalls first visit to London. 

As he is learning about the great fire of London at school I found a guided walk run by the museum of London for children so I booked us a spot. It was really good. 

Small also informed me before we went that you can climb to the top of the monument I never actually knew that and well he wanted to climb and get his certificate. It's 311 steps. My legs were like jelly by the time we got down. Not as bad as I thought they would be but still I need to find somewhere to sit for a bit, thankfully it was lunchtime by that point and there was a Greggs nearby. 

We then walked past the tower of London to catch a boat up to London eye pier, because on his list of things he wanted to see were the London eye (he doesn't want to go on it) and Big Ben. We then walked to see the front of Westminster Abbey and I was going to walk to Buckingham Palace but I was all disorientated without my AtoZ (which I helpfully left behind in Nottinghamshire) and Google maps just wasn't helping me, I just could not work out which way to head (I use Google maps fine everywhere else. I think it's because I am so used to navigating with my trusty AtoZ). So instead we went back to the tube and did it that way, turned out that the nearest tube took me past my head office so I was able to point that out to him. 

After seeing Buckingham Palace we had the most expensive (but yummy) ice cream and a nice walk through the park. 

I then took him to Hamleys (well you have to don't you) and he picked a build a bear (expensive but well its an experience to do it in Hamleys and I seem to remember I got a build a bear from Hamleys). I then wanted to go to the Lego store and I remembered there was a McDonald's in Leicester Square so that's where we headed next, thankfully my memory was correct so happy little boy with his happy meal. 

So much more London to see. He enjoyed it and wasn't phased by the underground and while I am rusty I navigated us through pretty quickly. Definitely see more trips in the future. 

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