
By bgleyna

Punting On The Avon

We had a spectacular day today! I’m not exaggerating! We did something that we had never experienced in the whole 6 years plus countless visits to this beautiful city! We went on a Punting Trip down the Avon with views of Salisbury that we had never seen before. We saw so many wonderful wild flowers and wildlife - beautiful swans and herons, even a huge trout!
I couldn’t even begin to describe it all, but you can view some of the scenes on BGCoffee’s blip taken with a proper camera.

This is just a photo to prove to me that we were actually on this trip and it wasn’t just a dream!

You can see the other punt in the company with a group of people coming down stream towards us. But apart from them and one other kayak, there was very little traffic on the river, so very peaceful!

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