
By Kentboy


A return to Maryport to enjoy the sun, but really to redo some photos I did a few days ago that didn't 'live up to expectations!!'  Yes they were rubbish.  While there I used to time to enjoy the sun, drink coffee from my flash and watch the world go by.  Moving to a different place I notice a man walking on the mud by the side of the harbour wall.  Strange.  Not really as I had seen this before and a friend told me what he was likely going to do.  He was correct.  Sunk into the mud are things like pipes.  Apparently crabs (I think) can be found in there and this chap was checking if there 'was anybody at home.'  It did mean two people stopped, but to far away for me to hear what he was saying.  Yet the day was quite and I could make out he was in a conversation.  
While I was paying attention to this a chap sat down to eat his chips (in peace I bet he thought)  The gull was watching him as keenly as he was watching the gull!
Later I travelled to St Bees, to watch a steam train pass by and to chat with Adam's Godparents.  A train photo may appear (but they need checking first!!!!!)

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