Daniel Owen

By DanielJOwen

Sunday roast

We all roasted today. It was sunny, still and nearly 30 degrees. Spent most of the morning arguing with the boy who refused to wear shorts, short-sleeved shirt or sandals. Over the course of the day, we bribed him out of his cold-weather clothing with crisps and sausages. In the afternoon, he went to a friend's 4th birthday party. There were lots of noisy children there, playing on a huge bouncy castle that had been set up in a nearby village hall. The boy hates bouncy castles and is scared of loud noise, so was miserable the entire time.

We returned home to watch Andy Murray win Wimbledon while I made roast gammon and roasted Mediterranean vegetables. Our neighbours (the ones in whose holiday cottage we are staying) joined us for dinner outside and Sandra (Mrs Neighbour) made this wonderful pavlova, using strawberries from her garden and eggs from her chickens.

Tomorrow, the front wall of our house comes down.

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