Every Picture Tells .....


Good Day


It's been a good day so far. I started by driving twelve miles over to Ruthin for the parkrun at the Memorial Fields. Despite a slow start I finished with an official time of 00:26:57 which is a PB for this course and the fastest time I have run since my heart ablation operation last year. 

I stopped off on the way home to buy a boot load of plants and compost and then, after a shower,  headed up to the village market where we bought some cakes and had a cuppa and a chat with the locals.

I spent the afternoon out in the garden taking out the pansies and violas from some of there the hanging baskets and patio pots and replacing them with summer flowers. I never buy enough plants and will need to visit the garden centre again this week.

The main photo was taken in the village (there is another of the D-Day memorial soldiers, as featured on Wednesday's blip, in the background). The extra is me at at the finish of this morning's parkrun. 

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