
By JohnW

The tale of two bottles of milk . . .

I think that I have discovered a plot by milk suppliers to get us to by more, at least bigger bottles.
Yesterday I shopped at Tesco.  Yet again there were no two pint bottles of skimmed milk on the shelves, not even a space for them.  Just four pinters.   This is not the first time by any means, and our local coop has had to come to the rescue, again.  And here I find I’m lucky to get any, the shelf nearly empty.  Have disappointed Tesco customers beaten me to it, or is the Coop preparing to join the four pints club . . . ??   Mind you they didn’t have many of those either.
All of this silliness to remember Admirer, our founder of Silly Saturday.  Thanks to DavidC for hosting the first Saturday of the month tribute.
A little more silliness, I’ve only just noticed that the SilS sequence has been continued on a weekly basis, I’ve seem to have some back editing to do . . .  (doh!)

Ps – I just had to add the extra.  A woodpecker has found that she can reach my fat balls by putting her head through one of the entry holes on our fat ball feeding cage.  I only had my baby camera at hand and the shot was taken through our front window, the image cropped from the middle – both images here on Flickr.

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