Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Fuchsia Buds

I decided to go to the Farmer’s market in the village this morning; I have not been for months, because it was not very good. I had heard it was now much better. Not so, it was a waste of time and shoe leather!
The fruit and vegetable stall produce was very overpriced and there were only about a dozen stalls inside selling a variety of scented things, as well as gaudy looking earrings. The fish man was not there, nor was the man who does the sustainable refills. I wanted some cucumber gin from the Stort Supplies, I think they were called, but they were not there although another company selling alcohol was but it was not what I wanted.
Today’s picture is some of the buds on one of the fuchsias in the hanging basket, which are still sheltering from the weather.
The temperature at noon today was fifteen degrees Celsius: it is still cold and windy, but no rain so far today.  

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