
By rainie


Another hot day, like yesterday we topped the NZ temperatures for the second day at 23 deg.  But today we had gale force winds, so much so that there have been many fires throughout Canterbury.  We are so dry, with very little rain throughout the region this year.  Houses have been evacuated and some buildings have been lost.  
Fortunately, here the winds have moderated tonight, and I hope they have done likewise further north.

I've had a huge day in the garden, because it was so warm early I was outside before my second cup of coffee!! 

First day of winter meteorologically and we are having summer temperatures, craziness. However, the forecast for tomorrow is a high of only 12 deg.

I've been cutting down all my perenials, as I was cutting down the astrantias I found one stoic stem with these flowers.  
Just because  (or perhaps because I'm a silly oldie) I've made a collage and I've tagged this for Silly Saturday in memory of admirer.

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