
By maureen6002

Up the pole

It’s a quiet afternoon in the garden where the final plantings for the year are taking place. We seem to have lost several plants from our main border over winter - strange considering it’s been so mild - so it’s a case of filling in the gaps with some replacements. Suddenly work is disturbed by a strange rasping noise. It takes a few moments to work out where it’s coming from, and we spot a rather agitated squirrel perched high up on the telegraph pole behind our garden wall. 

It’s unclear whether he’s retreated from some threat such as an aggressive neighbourhood pet, or whether somehow he’s got himself stuck close to the top of the pole. Knowing just how agile squirrels are in terms of aerial exploits, it seems more likely to be the response to a predator, but there’s nothing to be seen, and the squirrel continues to make these angry alarm calls for quite some time. 

I take a photo and leave him to his angry mutterings, wondering whether he’s really stuck, but when I return later, the little fellows clearly plucked up the courage to move and is nowhere to be seen! 

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