
By Cully


So many photo opportunities today:

1) the woman at the car boot with the Bichon frise who wore a green Tshirt to keep his fur flat. His head was still a big cotton wool ball, he must have been so hot poor thing. We made £80, not bad for a load of tat!

2) the homemade turkey burgers I made which tasted rather good albeit a little sweetcorny.

3) the recycling bin after a long afternoon/evening session of red wine, magnets, beer and mulled wine for when it got chilly.

4) the boys face when I woke him up at eleven after we had both fell asleep on the lawn. Thank you to the neighbour who woke us up or we may have been there till dawn.

But todays blip had to be the face the boy pulls when I try to tweeze out his protruding nasal hairs. He asked me to do it and I can't resist causing him a bit of pain now and again! If you were wondering I did get it!

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