
By KathyH58

Chasing a rainbow

What a day! We worked on the 2 newest biweekly jobs today since they are next door to each other. Between the 2 properties we could spend a whole week there and still not have everything done. Both homeowners are happy to have us there for a few hours at a time.
This afternoon I had a quote to do out of town. Google Maps does not differentiate between East and West Hants. The road where the customer was meeting me runs in both jurisdictions. And the house numbers in East Hants can be the same as the ones in West Hants. Very confusing? I finally stopped and asked someone and they told me that I likely wanted the West Hants end of the road. Fortunately the customer stayed there and waited for me. It's going to be an interesting job, and will be an ongoing one. Cleanup comes first.

On the way home I spotted a rainbow, but there was no place along the highway to pull over to get a good photo. As I got closer to Dartmouth I could still see it, and I could see more of it than when I first saw it. I went chasing it to find a spot to get a view of it without any power lines.

The extras are a lady slipper in the woods at the newest property, and they have a bubbler fountain in the rock and the water cascades down over some rocks to a small pond.

Off to the Truro area tomorrow to fill the back of the truck with plants.

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