Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Where was I?

The answer is in the extra, although the main image was taken in a different ring.

And you thought it was  only pigs who could fly, didn't you?

I was up early to go to the Auction Mart in Hexham. There was a sheep sale and a cattle sale this morning. I started off with the sheep. The auction ring is a copy of the one that was closed in Bellingham, which seems a good idea.

Each lot of sheep comes in and goes out with remarkable regularity. The workers are very efficient. 

I could not understand one word from the auctioneer, although no one else had any difficulty!

Then to the cattle sale. I tried very hard, but I could not spot anyone bidding. They all seemed to be avoiding the auctioneer's eye. After a while I saw one or two tiny finger movements. My blip came when I climbed up the stairs to photograph from above and one bidder was quite open in his gestures.

Tonight was Lesley and Steve's Golden Wedding Party. It was a lovely do and at the Mart (twice in one day)! They have a function suite there.

I did not dare to try the dancing, just in case it upset my new hip.

The four grown up children shared in a tribute to Mum and Dad. All the grandchildren were there and joining in. It was just as it should be. (The food was excellent too.)

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