talloplanic views

By Arell

All good things

Somehow it took until gone lunchtime for BikerBabe to wheel little Biscuit out of my garage and set off southwards.  Well, it may have had something to do with Far Too Much Rain, something to do with putting the kettle on repeatedly, and something to do with several very long goodbye hugs. 

BB made herself as waterproof as possible and I lent her a matching Buff for some extra insulation on the long trip home.  Luggage bags installed, satnav ready to go, and with a hug and a wave she bravely set off on Biscuit for a journey that was rather less clement than one would like.

I busied myself for the rest of the day tidying up, washing up and washing my hair, and made some veggie wraps for my tea.

Thank you, BB, for a really lovely long weekend.

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