By Bella888

Welcome to England

This is Polly, a rescue from Bulgaria. Saw her on Poole Quay with her owners. They've only had her 3 months. Dear Polly must be so confused by her new life, who knows what it was like before her arrival. She was very calm and approachable, but shy too. I would have snapped her up straight away, if circumstances permitted!

Went to Poole Primark to endeavour replacing faulty trousers purchased in April. (stitching issue in several places). If necessary, I'd have repaired them myself as they are khaki and match several of my tops. Luckily I found the last size 14 and the Manager changed them.

Had a walk down to the Quay. Stopped for Flat Whites at Riptide, and treated myself to an excellent falafel wrap from a small new shop at the end of the High Street. Owned by a pleasant chap from Nepal (Indian Falafel!?). One of the best falafels I've had!

Strolled along the Quay. Then bus home. Made a Curried chickpea and celery salad, which should keep 3/4 days. Hope so as we are at a Communion tomorrow and just been invited for a pizza with the family in the evening, and out Sunday evening too. Everything always comes at the same time.

Have a lovely weekend

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