Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Comb builders

Arkle and finn walked with company.

Allotment to finish greenhouse planting, weeding and dahlia planting.

Got a call about bee activity at a old posh house, so headed out. 

On the roof at the turret it looked like scout bees looking for a place to stay. Blocked the hokes in the sandstone blocks and left a nuc to try and catch them.

Helped eco mum with her cut flower plot.

Local bees checked. Queen cells in splits have hatched so waiting to see if a laying queen. 
Another hive had queen cells are where not happy so just split in 3 and left it. Queen cells in 2 boxes.


Allotment bees. Most looking ok. Honey boxes added to a few. 
A couple of hives I think queenless but it was getting dark and bees not happy so another day's task.

Quick water of greenhouse.

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