By greengirl


A busy day at the cafe. I have had a sore knee for a couple of days and was worried about how I would be able to be on my feet for  8 hours and then sing in a concert afterwards. As it turned out, my knee was fine - I was as gentle as I could be with it, no twisting or sudden movements. And then the performance was I had a sauna and went home to enjoy the sunshine and a tasty tea cooked by Luke and Maria.

We had some French visitors to the Usual Place today. They didn't speak much English but showed me their guidebook which had a lovely review of the cafe (in French). They were very enthusiastic about the building, the ethos of the cafe and the food :-)

I had a walk around the garden this evening. I definitely need to do some work on the weeds tomorrow...but I'm delighted at this patch of foxgloves. D planted out 100s of foxglove seeds many years ago and they are running wild in a part of the garden which was once quite formal but is now quite nicely wild.

Have a lovely weekend, everybody!

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