A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


On the way to town.

The girls were posing this morning as we set off down the garden to walk to Larkhall to pick up a picture frame Grace had had put on one side. Whilst there I bought Eda a great pink and blue ‘denim’ jacket that fits her perfectly and was persuaded to get some floral dungarees. Eda said they were great if I wanted to paint and Jude just shook her head!

We then caught the bus into the city centre. Called in at the Reiker shop where I had seen some trainers in the sale earlier in the week. My reasoning was that they would have gone by now if I wasn’t meant to have them. They were there!

Down to Kingsmead  Square for pizza sitting out in the square with accompanying music. They do good Gluten free and as we were eating quite late John was able to join us from work and finish some of the pizza off saving on boxes to carry home.

After returning some jeans to Zara with exciting escalators and elevators for the girls, plus a robotic returns system, we headed to the bus station and home.

By this time Eda had a sore foot, new sandals without socks, and Jude was just fed up and didn’t want to climb the hill. So I carried all the bags and Grace ferried the girls. As we crested the top onto Bailbrook Lane John was just arriving on his bike from the other direction.

We’ve had a great day but quite tiring.

The girls haven’t stopped singing Matilda songs, Jude seems to know them all too, the images I liked best were taken by Grace at a very late bedtime last night. Extra

Last day of May, will June be flaming.

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