Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Garden Twirl

Another dreary day saw me heading to local garden centres for coffee and some retail therapy - now for some decent, warm weather to place my purchases round the garden!

One purchase was a large pot of pink dianthus.  I recall that as a child my late Mum's front garden was full of these. Hers were true "pinks" and had a wonderful scent. People kept asking for cuttings, to which she was always happy to oblige, however they eventually just disappeared - maybe one too many cuttings or just the end of their natural life.  I searched for one close to my memories, though modern varieties don't seem to have the scent or colour.  My purchase seemed to the nearest (extra), but I worked it up into a twirl using John Gravett's YouTube tutorial especially for Ingeborg's Abstract Thursday challenge of colourful.

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