Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Blip

By alfthomas

MonoMay 30

Yesterday's Gone

Every day she walks the streets alone
What she seeks to her is unknown
She will know it when she finds it
But will she ever find it
Tomorrow is another day.

Yesterday's gone
Tomorrow never comes
All she has is this moment
Here and now
Alive in the moment
Alive in the now

She walks and walks endlessly
People think she walks aimlessly
They feel emotion for the homeless
They don't know, will never know
That she's following a trail

Yesterday's gone
Tomorrow never comes
All she has is this moment
Here and now
Alive in the moment
Alive in the now

She discovers snippets of info
Leading her onwards to where?
She will know when she gets there
Leading her to what?
That she knows not.

Yesterday's gone
Tomorrow never comes
All she has is this moment
Here and now
Alive in the moment
Alive in the now

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