
By MovableParts

Truck Overboard

We were on our way up the Moki Dugway when we saw this tractor trailer coming down this very narrow, treacherous dirt road.  I yelled for the musician to "watch out," asking, "What the hell does this guy think he's doing?!"  This road is NO place for a big wheeler to try to negotiate.

Sure enough, not 100 feet from where we passed the truck, its back wheels went off the edge,  You can even see the dust falling . We stopped to look behind us just about where the people in the link are positioned.

This is a very remote area of cell phone service.  Other cars on their way down or up could not know about the accident. There was no getting around the truck to go back down to our Inn, so we had to drive the long way around, 3 times as far, as long. 

Because it is so remote, it is hard to imagine how, or when, the truck will be removed from the road. (see extra) 

~ Part of the Moki Dugway which shows how narrow it is.
~ Prior to the accident we saw more wonderful sights...

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