
By Hanulli


Tim discovered a larva of a ladybug. It seems to be an Asian Ladybug, what isn't the best for the garden and the local ladybugs.
The Asian Ladybugs were used against aphids in greenhouses. They eat much more aphids (up to 270 per day) than European ladybugs (they are full after 50 aphids). The problem is, that they eat everything else when the finished the aphids. They reduce the European 7 point ladybugs significantly. And they have no predators in Europe, because they taste very bitter.  I also read that they love grapes, what causes more problems, because they don't leave when the grapes are harvested and they give an ugly taste to the wine.
I'm glad that the larvae didn't bite Tim. It seems that the Asian variation even bites humans. 
Things you learn when you blip ;-))
Btw when I started to blip years ago I discovered a lot of interesting and strange creatures in our garden. I thought my first ladybug larva would be a monster, haha.

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