
By middleman


Home mid-morning from the overnighter at work and more or less straight out back for a little alfresco pedal.

I fancied bring inspired after lunch so took a wander to the Modern Art Gallery to go and check out their new show - Women In Revolt! Art & Activism In The UK 1970-1990 - but then got sidetracked buying some fancy new reading glasses in the shop and, on noticing the Do Ho Suh | Tracing Time exhibition opposite, thought I'd have a quick gander....and then spent all my time looking round the entire show, some incredible work on display. And I don't often use this phrase, maybe I've never used it even, but some of the pieces were positively exquisite.

As for the intended show, it's on 'til January so I *should* be alright. Phew.

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