
By Ilja

Forum Romanum, as seen in 2023

A day filled with all kinds of appointments. No time to do a lot in between the appointments, so I looked up another holiday photo to give the urban sketching another try. Still not sure if I like the outcome but it’s a nice challenge to do.

One of the appointments was a phone call about the healthcare budget for E. Always a bit stressful, because of all the situations we have experienced in the past and the serious mistakes that have been made because E does not fit into an existing box. Now that we fit into different legislation, this stress is completely unnecessary, it turned out. For the first time, people think along with us instead of working against us so as not to have to spend money. Nice conversation. In July we will evaluate agreements made and adjust them if necessary, so that E can retain his little bit of independence for as long as possible. a really nice conversation, with a nice outcome.

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