Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee


What a surprise .... it was wet this morning.
It didn't stop me doing a touch of weeding (easier to pull them out of wet ground). That finished filling the garden waste bin before collection .... however - they have failed to turn up!
I also took 3 lengths off the remains of the tree. The rest is too awkward to use a handsaw on .... so it might 'encourage' me to get the chain saw serviced.

We went out so SWMBO could get herself a DAB radio.
She wanted to go into ASDA for that (no idea why). That was a mistake.
There is no logical layout in the shop, the aisles are way to narrow in the food isles where they have installed chillers with doors and the staff are downright unfriendly.

We ended up having to take it back .... it would only find 1 station.

A small box was made and printing was done ....... way too much printing. The book that I made a while ago and intend to use as a visual reminder of our holiday isn't going to take them all. It might not even manage half of them. (I am not very good at editing).

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