
By gennepher


Raining again.

Phone video
The last one I have of the little bluetit, and then it's back to badgers & foxes...
Between all the recent bluetit and sparrow videos, they have had a few thousand views, so hopefully they have given joy to some people...
And I have had a few problems uploading etc, and I felt like giving up on these videos. I very nearly did. But analytics tell me people are watching the whole videos more than once. So, it is worthwhile continuing, hopefully to bring a little lightness into a person's day. We all need this, especially in these times.
The Bluetit
15 secs time this morning for thinking about a drawing/painting so done a kaleidoscope! The badger in it is a soft toy J bought me, well before I moved here to be plagued by badgers...more than 30 years actually holds memories of that day - conversations and where we ate that day...

The reason I don't have time for thinking about something else is I am researching DNA. This person in Arizona has given me some pointers on how to understand my DNA results in Ancestry and actually where to look for some comparisons. I was ready to give up this Ancestry/DNA lark, especially with the information that my mother that brought me up is absolutely no relation to me (which was actually a shock to have that genetically confirmed) and some further information. The only information I have on my birth mother is what my cousin/brother told me at J's funeral in the church. And at the end of the day that is only what my cousin/brother was told or understood about me, and even that still may not have been the truth.

I have been researching how to interpret my Ancestry DNA results, reading about genetics, molecular genetics, and a whole pile more. I am the stupid idiot child where at school I was not allowed to do biology, science, chemistry etc, because it was assumed I would not understand it, so even now I am missing some basic knowledge of this stuff. There are enough children's pictorial books (I learn best with pictures, and when graphic novels are used for instruction), out there now, and this morning I have been reading more scientific books on this subject. There's plenty on the Internet Archive. But you can only borrow a book for an hour at a time...fortunately I can speed read...

So, my interests are elsewhere the next few days until I get a grip on this subject.

I am wondering if this is not a search for self identity now.
I have worked through a whole pile of emotions as regards who my parents were, and in itself that is probably not important any more.

Back to reading and studying and a cuppa tea.

Have your best day.

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