Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Sunset sky …..

….. ….. ….. over Coronet Peak and the Wakatipu Basin.
It was an amazing sky, stretching really wide.

I’ve managed better today, in spite of not sleeping as well.
The weather started off bleak and cold and improved to warm sun by lunchtime. That’s always a plus.
I’ve managed a Village walk with Missy and a neighbour also took her walking/running at Millbrook. Lucky Missy!

The best thing about today? It’s Cora’s 3rd birthday!
Messages were flying first thing and then this evening I got picked up and taken to my daughter’s for a family birthday party. Utterly delightful! Cora was very excited with her presents and birthday ‘cake’. See Extras.
I’m so pleased that I went.
It felt scary walking up the stone paver path but it was all fine. I felt like I’d broken that particular scary ice!

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