
By FotoAlex


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Today we met with Jill's friend Meg. They'd known each other for over 20 years but had never met until today! The wonders of the internet, huh?

We visited the Denver Botanic Gardens (photos of a California juniper and a columbine flower in extras) and explored. It was really nice. I never did make it there when I lived nearby.

That evening we went to Lakeside Amusement Park, which opened in 1908. It's very old school and has several rare rides, including Cyclone, the only remaining coaster designed by Ed Vettel. Cyclone wasn't operating, which was sad because it's the standout ride here. The art deco station might be the coolest station I've ever seen.

We rode three coasters (an unnamed new one, Wild Chipmunk, and Kiddie Coaster). I hadn't ridden the new one or Kiddie Coaster, so now my coaster count is 415. Jill's got around 360. Both of us sat in the same car on Wild Chipmunk, which ended up being too small for us. The ride was a bit painful, but it was still fun. If we visit Amarillo to ride the only other ride of this type, we're riding separately.

This is a magical park, even though it's not run as well as we'd like. It has a train from the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, a tower (see extras) from a type of ride that used to be all over the place from the 1910s to the 1950s (there are only two towers still standing anywhere), lots of neon and colorful lights, and history that's hard to find at any other park. I'm glad Jill was able to visit and that I got another visit.

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