Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Yummy ....

says Little B.  Fetched him back from Ro this morning and took him for a walk in the grounds beforehand so that he can relax once home.  He had a bit of a glitch last week when Ro gave him his prescribed meds for anxiety as he was hearing gunfire on the ranges and shaking like a leaf.  Luckily she was sitting next to him on the sofa because over the course of an hour or so his breathing changed which she noticed and then suddenly it stopped altogether.  He was quickly shaken awake and off to the vets as an emergency.  After almost an hour they brought him out, he had a reversal drug and had to warm him up.  It seems his heart murmur has worsened and the medication caused his blood pressure to drop.  Yesterday he returned for a scan and although his valve is enlarged more, the vet thinks that upping the dose of his Vetmedin will control it for a while yet thankfully.  He will need to be monitored for his breathing rate and she said try not to let him get too hot.

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