
By EverydayMagic

A blast from the past

Yesterday - inspired by a post on Facebook where someone was showing off their home-made Greek style yoghourt, I dug out my 30(?)-year-old yoghourt maker and had a go myself.
I can still remember the first time I tasted Greek yoghourt. I'd just got my first post-university job and was staying temporarily in the corporate guesthouse in Oxford. The housekeeper had some Total yoghourt, and she explained that you have to buy the small tub because if you buy the big one, you eat it all in one go. That was in the late 80s, before the low-fat miserabilism had really taken hold. Total back then was not the same as the stuff the supermarkets sell now. It was a hedonistic taste of creamy deliciousness. I am hoping to create that experience with my own yoghourt.

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