
By inspirational

My usual busy Tuesday where I don’t make much progress. But George and Little A popped in to see me which was nice.
I had woken with a headache in the night, and it kept coming back during the day.
Afterwards I caught the bus to see Jean; she had been taken to have a chest X-ray so I didn’t see her, but I left a few treats, and waited in the village for a while to see if hospital transport went by, and I would have phoned and returned, but it didn’t so I caught another bus home.
Then the bus driver got back to the bus station and tried to pass another bus, and almost got wedged, wing mirrors had to be flattened and the other bus gingerly reversed. All ok in the end.
I cooked asparagus with a Parmesan and cashew nut sauce with pasta for dinner. It went down well.

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