I Witness

By KangaZu

Tiny Tuesday ...

... long-legged fly.  (At least that's what I think this is!)

It was another beautiful day here and I've spent it doing things around the house.  I've been meaning to change around my closet from winter things to summer things ... and today was a great day to do that.  Even if it meant not spending every second outside!

However ... I did spend some of the day outside with my wildlife.  And part of that time was taking pictures of this very considerate long-legged fly.  I was using the macro (on a very windy day!) and was getting as close as possible ... and he/she didn't seem to mind me being all up in their business!  Better viewed full screen.

Later on in the afternoon I was able to get some shots of the ever tiny Momma Chipmunk enjoying some peanuts ... which I've added into Extras.
Thanks to Incredibish for doing a great job hosting Tiny Tuesday all this month.  I hope you've enjoyed doing so.  

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