
By Ridgeback13


I set off fairly early to Kelso to get some more bedding plants - mainly for refreshing my window boxes at home (and creating new ones at the front of the house) but also decided to do up A&N’s hanging baskets at their front door. Brought everything back and, after some coffee and toast, set to in the greenhouse planting up. I had been expecting rain all day but in fact it was quite bright most of the morning. Just as I’d finished the rain started, and I retreated indoors for lunch and then more web browsing for holiday planning.
I seem to have another cold sore, only a couple of weeks since my last one and in almost the same place…very annoying and makes me feel run down.
Decided to head into town mid afternoon and managed to get the first of several loads of laundry at home. Chatted to T as he prepares for an interview tomorrow to get onto a training course for an Area Manager role and he practised his answers to sample questions with me….seems pretty well prepared.
Book group in the evening at E’s and it was lovely to catch up with all those who could be there (we missed you hazelh and Winsford!). We largely enjoyed the book You Are Here by David Nichols and chatted about that and camper vans, demonstrations, holidays, simple ways to improve the quality of life, meeting plans, Orkney, weather (it had started raining again!), new cars and house repairs amongst other things. Delicious vegetable terrine and a lovely pavlova for pud.
Have M a lift home then pretty much straight to bed

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