
By MsQuizzical

Cardinal Chin

A dull, cool, wet day. I was very sad to find the remains of busy father blackbird in the front garden. I'm guessing that he was killed by a sparrowhawk. I feel so sorry for his mate having to provide for their brood on her own.

Blackbirds and thrushes are in the news today. Alan Titchmarsh says that no mow May gardens are depriving them of foraging spaces as they don't like long grass. I'm glad that I've cut some wide paths through my grass that I've seen thrushes and blackbirds feeding on.

This cardinal beetle is my friend. I see it many times a day as Mish and I walk round the garden looking for subjects to photograph. It sits near the top of a grass seedhead as if it's going to launch but doesn't. I saw the ground beetle that I posted yesterday again in exactly the same place that I found it previously.  

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