
By AnnieBelle

White faced heron (TT470 in extra)

Winter is coming and while our garden is not yet a bug free zone, ranks have thinned. So I took myself off to Sydney Park hoping for some bug talent but again there was not much happening, save for a ladybird, very busy crawling all over its leaf, now in my extra. It would have been my main but when I went down to one of the wetlands there was a white faced heron, picking its way through the mud and the shallows in search of a morsel. It was the only bird visible to me and there were no other people and their errant dogs. Just me and the heron. It came quite close, not threatened by me and my longish lens.

I love tiny Tuesday but I wanted to show this special bird which provided an unusual photo opportunity.

Thanks for hosting TT for May, Incredibish. I hope you've enjoyed it as much I have. 

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