
By dunkyc


It was a day of jobs today.

The Eldest has already completed Year One of her university course and has intimated that she will be making guest appearances at mine throughout the summer months, so having cannibalised her bed to put in the van, I thought it only fair to get her a new one….

We headed into town and seemed to be pursued by a group of street actors everywhere we went. I’m not entirely sure what was going on, but there was lots of shouting, dancing and general hullabaloo, and as for the actors…

Still, we were able to get the bits we needed (including a new mattress) get m’boy’s hair tamed and make it home for a nice lunch with friends, before pottering about with some other jobs and then chilling out in front of the FA Cup final which was surprisingly won by the red half of Manchester.

The day finished up with some guests having a sleepover where amazingly the wee ones actually got their heads down at a respectable hour!

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