
By Hanulli


Today I tidied up one of the corners in our garden. 
Last autumn I stored some seed heads of an autumn anemone in order to create a Christmas decoration, but I never did. I just forgot them...
So today I discovered a giant ( really giant) cloud of seeds in a corner.
Those seeds are really clever, they stick on everything ( trousers, gloves, dogs, chairs, shoes) and they easily fly with the wind. The problem is, that you will never get rid of the anemones again, when they started to grow anywhere. I know what I'm talking. I tried it several times when they overgrow everything. So I had to be very careful that I didn't spread the seeds. Luckily I had a closer look and spotted Sleepy, who was enjoying the soft and cosy underground ;-)

Reminder: The tag for TiPS,  the stage for stories about the adventures of all kinds of tiny figures is TiPS2024. Share your creative entries with other lovers of tiny people  and have fun :-D

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