Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Golden Barrel Cactus

Not very golden in black and white, though.

Nothing much happening today given it's a holiday. I haven't seen any friends or neighbors in several days. Went to the pharmacy this morning. The snowbirds have completely disappeared. I drove three miles to the store with nary a car on the road and the same coming back. It's so nice. The only other thing of any consequence was folding yesterday's laundry and tossing in another load. Did a couple other things around the house like polish the kitchen granite. Now I'm ready for bed but it's only 3:00.  :-)

A father took his eight year old daughter to work on "Take your kid to Work Day"
As they were walking around the office the girl started crying and getting very upset.
As the staff gathered around, she sobbed loudly and said "Daddy, where are all the clowns you said you worked with".

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