Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

CITY RIDER ( not my bus )

Becky, Mike and Astrid travelled by train this morning from Edinburgh back to Newcastle where their car was parked.  Their train arrived at 11.26am and I was there to meet them.  We had a quick catch up and then they were on their way south.  They were heading for Leicestershire to stay with Mikes Mam and Dad for one night and will continue their journey to Sussex tomorrow.  I've added a couple of photos as an Extra. It won't be too long before I see them again as I'm going to visit next month for a few days.  Can't wait.

After they left I did a bit of shopping in town.  The weather was dry and sunny but it started raining as I was standing at the bus stop waiting for my bus home.

Got my blip shot in town, The Mono Monday theme is  'Through a Window ' .so I thought I would take a shot of the bus driver through the bus window.  My shot didn't come out like that - you can barely see the driver but there are plenty of reflections.  Thanks to Carolina for hosting the challenge.

When I got home I put together some items that had arrived last week when I didn't have time to deal with them. There was a set of two plant shelves for the garden and  a shelving unit for the kitchen.  The outdoor shelves were fairly easy but the kitchen ones were more tricky.  The instructions consisted of a confusing picture.  But I got there in the end.

Steps today - 7,358

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