
By Chrelizg21

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Spotted in a hedge on our walk this morning - reminding me of the snow-capped peaks I've been thinking about while researching our next trip! Anyway, presumably the webs of Small Ermine moth caterpillars, though I couldn't see any still in residence. If they were still there they'd be very hungry, as the bush had been completely defoliated. Not sure what sort of bush it was - we walk along there occasionally but haven't ever taken any notice of it before. It's possibly hawthorn, as that's one of the food plants favoured by these moths, though I can't see many thorns on it. I did check on our spindle afterwards - the webs have increased a little but there's still not a huge amount of damage and I could only see a few caterpillars - maybe the robins, etc, which are busy feeding their young in the garden at the moment have kept them in check?

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