
By biddy

Blip Meet! Blackroot Bistro Sutton Park……..

……….Sutton Coldfield
So lovely to meet up with HarlingDarling, keibr, Graham Colling ( I don’t know his Blip name, ) Mikedetrapia, Graham’s wife, amandoAlentejo, and Rainette, at Sutton Park National Nature Reserve this morning for a walk, and lunch.
HarlingDarling had so thoughtfully given myself, and the other lady Blippers a gift, which included a small crystal to hang by a window, some hand made cards, and a beautiful piece of embroidered table linen which I will treasure, and put to good use! All from Sweden.
I already have a piece of table linen from Portugal that Blipper Rainette brought back after visiting amandoAlentejo and her hubby who live and work there, several years ago now.
There was never a shortage of conversation around the table.
Blip is such a supportive eclectic community. I was with some blip veterans today who have been posting photos for 10 years or more!
Although I had never met Jan and Keith from Sweden before, it was like meeting up with familiar friends!
More photos in extras.
Rainette and Jan
Group photo taken by a member of the Bistro staff.

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